USG Radiology- is a branch of medicine and independent medical specialty dealing with imaging of human body with the use of ultrasound (Ultrasonography). The image must be then interpreted by radiologist, who creates a detailed description of the image and diagnosis. Nowadays, diagnostics with the help of radiological imaging is a basic form of diagnosis. It is used at every stage of the patient’s treatment- from diagnosis, through each phase of the treatment to the identification of potential complications.

In USG, sound waves, which are sent inside the examined body part, bounce back from particular organs and then are analysed by the ultrasonograph. It allows imaging of the examined tissues. Because the image is captured in real time, the structure, their functioning and movement can be assessed. During the examination the doctor spreads special ultrasound gel on the skin in order to allow direct contact of the apparatus with the skin and to eliminate air bubbles. The substance is neutral for the skin and does not leave markings on the clothes. At JOPA Clinic we use gel heated up to the temperature of the body to make it more tolerable for the patients.

Ultrasound is safe and noninvasive and no negative impact has been observed so far.
JOPA Clinic uses modern ultrasonographs, which are operated by an experienced consultant specialising in radiology, dr Wojciech Krzemiński.

The scope of tests:

  • salivary gland
  • neck,
  • thyroid,
  • lymph nodes (cervical, suprarenal and subclavian, axillary, inguinal),
  • breast,
  • abdominal cavity.

USG of the abdomen:


USG of the abdomen is one of the most commonly performed imaging.
Modern USG imaging produces a clear picture of parenchymal organs of the abdominal cavity (liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, pelvic organs), large vessels of the abdominal cavity, together with retroperitoneal space and intestinal structures. The advantage of this imaging over endoscopy or gastroenteral diagnostic procedure is that the image reveals thickness of the intestines and adjacent tissues. The consultant can analyse the thickness of the intestine wall, its layers, diameter and its vascularisation (Doppler option).

How should I prepare?

  • For 2 days prior to the test eat light , fat-free meals, avoid fizzy drinks or products with swelling properties.
  • 5-6 hours before the examination do not drink or eat, only still water is acceptable provided you do not swallow air while drinking.
  • chewing gum or smoking should be avoided.
  • in case or regular medicine intake, take it according to the doctor’s recommendation, more than 1 hour before the examination. Use still water to swallow the pills.
  • one day before the test it is recommended to take Espumisan 3 times a day (3-4 capsules), which will remove gas from the intestines and improve conditions of the examination.
  • one hour before the test drink a litre of still water to fill your bladder. Full bladder pushes out intestinal loops from the pelvis and forms a kind of “ultrasound window” allowing observation of female genital organs, prostate gland of a man, as well as the bladder. Empty bladder makes the assessment of the organs in the pelvis impossible.

USG - breast:


The test can be performed at any moment of the monthly cycle as well as during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It is recommended that the patient should arrive for the test in the first half of the cycle due to higher tenderness of the breast before the menstruation and changes occurring in the breast preparing for a potential pregnancy. During lactation patients may be asked to empty the breast before the test.

Do not use talc deodorants before the test as they may affect the quality of the USG image.

Other tests do not require any preparation.

Doctors (ultrasound radiology)

Wojciech Krzemiński
wojciech krzeminski


Lekarz specjalista radiologii i diagnostyki obrazowej, ukończył studia na Gdańskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym. Obecnie pracuje w Wojewódzkim Szpitalu Zespolonym w Toruniu, gdzie zdobywa wiedzę w zakresie diagnozowania i różnicowania chorób nowotworowych, przewlekłych oraz urazów i stanów nagłych.

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Emilia Piątkowska
Emilia Piątkowska


Lekarz w trakcie specjalizacji z radiologii i diagnostyki obrazowej. Absolwentka Collegium Medicum w Bydgoszczy UMK w Toruniu. Obecnie pracuje w Wojewódzkim Szpitalu Zespolonym w Toruniu, gdzie zajmuje się diagnostyką chorób nowotworowych i stanów nagłych oraz diagnostyką chorób przewlekłych i ich powikłań. Ze szczególnym zainteresowaniem poszerza wiedzę w temacie wszystkich metod diagnostycznych chorób piersi.

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