The Manual Holistic Therapy of Dr. Andrzej Rakowski is a therapeutic method that solves musculoskeletal conditions of a different nature. Most often it is pain, but it can also be numbness, tingling or dizziness. It is a work on the limb, which takes into consideration changes and their interactions occurring throughout the body. This means that it is not always where pain occurs that is the cause of pain. Holistic therapy examines a given disorder in a broad perspective of dependence on their occurrence and stimulation (eg heel pain may result from functional changes in pelvic tissue and not directly in the heel).
Dr Rakowski inseparably perceives spirituality and physicality, which is determined by psychogenic - somatic interaction and vice versa (eg the effect of stress on tissue disorders of our body). In the therapy, special techniques are used to mobilize soft tissues such as muscle fascia, ligaments, tendons as well as manipulation of the joints of the spine and limbs. "Tissue reset" is obtained with the use of needles. It is an effective technique that eliminates the stimulation of tissue changes in a given area.
Mulligan Concept - Manual Therapy is a functional and comprehensive method combining manual work of a therapist and active movement performed by the patient. The author of the method assumes that the source of pain is in the malfunction of natural glide in the joint caused by migration of the adjacent joints. Through the mobilisation of the joint, the therapist sets it in a correct position, and at the same time the patient performs a movement which was previously painful or restrained. That improves the mobility and enables correct functioning of the joint.
Dr Składowski Manual Therapy is based on diagnose and treatment reversible functional changes of the limbs. In-depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology combined with treatment developed by dr Radosław Składowski enable the therapist to identify the pathological spot and regain its primary functioning. Dr Składowski, the orthopaedist, assumes that his method aims at quick recovery of the patient’s musculoskeletal system. Therapy is applied individually on the basis of defined regulative system.
The Cyriax Manual Therapy combines diagnosis with preventive treatment of soft tissue lesions. It was developed by Dr James Cyriax (1904-1985), a British Internist, later described as father of the orthopaedic medicine. The main purpose of the method is to isolate the source of pain and treat soft tissue lesions, which are the main source of the occurrence of pain in the body.
It is based on clinical exam with the use of:
- observation
- interview
- functional tests
- diagnosis and its specification
The method is designed to treat a specific musculoskeletal condition. Precisely defined diagnosis leads to the identification of a specific clinical case and shortening the period of healing. It uses the following techniques:
- deep transverse massage
- mobilisation and manipulation
- traction
- infiltration and injection (only doctors)
The therapy is applied individually to the patient to maximise the effect of the treatment.
HVLA stands for High Velocity Low Amplitude and is used in Osteopathy, manual medicine and chiropractice. This method is characterized by the application of low amplitude and high speed in a given direction to the patient's joint. Such an action usually ends with an audible "click".The reflex reduces muscle tension the affected area.
Short-lever manipulations are subtle and precise techniques, in which several components are used to build a barrier
Pinopressure (Klawipresura) is a non-invasive method of physiotherapist's work with the patient using special tools called clavipes or pins. Pinopressure combines methods such as acupressure, acupuncture and reflexotherapy. It is an ideal method for both aching patients and athletes for faster recovery after injury.
During his work the therapist performs the following techniques:
GRAD - to stimulate tissues affected by tension or other pathologies
TASK – to cause the hyperaemia in tissues
AUT - to eliminate tension within the fascia
KAT - to eliminate tension in the spine, to get rid of increased tension in the pelvic region, to heal the upper body transposition or improve the mobility of peripheral joints.
Visceral Manipulation is a manual therapy consisting of gentle, specifically placed forces to locate the place where physiologic motion has been impaired. In the practice of an experienced therapist using their hands to move and release fascial restrictions in your abdomen and pelvis to encourage the normal movement and function of your internal organs (skin, muscles, tendon, ligaments, internal organs, spine).
Visceral massage is very gentle and gradual. Layer after layer,the therapist reaches deeper structures, without causing any discomfort to the patient. By means of such deep influence into the human body, we are able to work with patients:
- after surgeries on theviscera
- after pelvic surgery
- with impaired intestinal motility
- with menstrual pain
- with acid reflux
- with pain in the lumbar spine
- with pain in the pelvic area.
With the application of appropriate healing techniques it is possible to treat large and overgrown scars that cause restrictions in the mobility of tissues in the adjacent area.
Manipulation of the fascia is a method of manual therapy with very high effectiveness in combating pain in the musculoskeletal system and restoring proper balance and symmetry. Myofascial therapy is based on the concept of myofascial meridians, developed by the physiotherapist Tom Myers. Myofascial linkages are connections of fascia and muscles, which are intervowen to form functional complexes. Their mutual tension affects: posture, range and freedom of movement, style of movement, the ability of the body to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Myofascial therapy is a method of deep work with the body. It involves the analysis of the entire figure and does not focus only on the place where the pain is located, because its cause may be in a distant place in the body. By restoring agility and reducing pain, it improves the quality of everyday life.
Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) is a very effective method of treating musculoskeletal conditions. It is widely used all over the world in the work with sportsmen and active people as well as people with traumas. FDM is a therapeutical method based on the recovery of the fascial structure.
Malformations in the fascia fall into six categories:
- Triggerband
- Continuum Distorsion
- Folding Distortion
- Cylinder Distortion
- Herniated Triggerpoint
- Tectonic Fixation
The abovementioned lesions lead to distortions in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. They trigger the occurrence of widespread local or pulling pain. That causes restraints in the mobility of the joints, numbness and tingling sensation, increases stiffness and many other conditions.
The effectiveness of the method arises from the therapist’s ability to read and interpret the patient’s gestures. The interview and clinical tests are also of big importance. These three elements are responsible for finding fascial malformation, which provokes the pain. Properly applied therapy eliminates the occurance of the malformation and leads to recovery.
The method is used in the rehabilitation of patients with distortions in musculoskeletal system. The therapy is applied on both, structural (muscles, joints, nerves) and functional level and based mainly on the observation of the patient. Intervention is performed simultaneously on three platforms, which allows mobilisation of maximum number of muscle fibers. PNF method improves balance and coordination, boosts muscle power and endurance, stimulates sensory fibers of the peripheral nervous system, widens the range of mobility. It also improves movement technique, walking included. Due to the variability of the techniques, PNF allows for individual work with the patient, taking into consideration stage of the condition, functional state and the patient’s needs. Depending on the needs, the therapy may involve techniques teaching movement and coordination, stabilising, relaxing, mobilising, relieving pain etc. The technique also involves the programme of functional exercises .
The FITS - Functional Individual Scoliosis Therapy method can be used in the correction of scoliosis, postural defects and Scheuermann's disease, in order to support corset treatment, prepare children for surgery, and to correct the position of the shoulder and pelvic girdle after surgery.
The FITS method consists of three stages:
Stage I - classic test and FITS examination.
Stage II - preparation of myofascial structures restricting correctional movement, through the use of appropriate muscle energisation techniques
Stage III - building new corrective posture patterns in functional positions and their stabilisation, teaching corrective patterns.
The therapy includes: Manual lymphic drainage (massage), compression, and exercise improving lymphatic flow.
Indications for the therapy:
- primary and secondary lymphatic oedema
- lipoedema
- venous-lymphatic oedema
- anti-oedematous prophylaxis in women after mastectomy
- venous insufficiency, varicose veins
- non-thrombotic syndrome
- post-operational conditions
- after prolonged immobilisation
- oedema of limbs and varicose veins during pregnancy
- lymphatic oedema in the course of cancer
Contraindication to the therapy:
- acute inflammation
- vein thrombosis
- severe cardiac failure
- kidney failure
The pioneer in the method was William Sutherland, (1873-1954), an American osteopathic physician who noticed that the design of the sutures of the cranium may suggest their a rhythmic shape change.the movement which he observed in the area of the cranium is caused by the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, (transparent liquid which fills the space around the brain and spinal cord. It is produced iin the choroid plexuses of the ventricles of the brain) Frequency of the movement corresponds to the breathing mechanism. It is so called “primary respiration.” The therapy uses techniques and grips affecting our body through their influence on the cerebrospinal fluid.
The theory claims that affecting these structures we are able to influence all body tissues and this movement is the agent of change in dysfunctional tissues. It is a noninvasive and painless manual therapy. Despite its gentle character it supports self-regeneration and self-regulation.
This therapy proves effective in many conditions, such as headaches and dizziness, middle ear and tinnitus problems, temporomandibular joint problems, in diseases after perinatal injuries, digestive problems, scoliosis, traumas or even hyperactivity in children, premenstrual syndrome, neuroses, or depression.
Kinesiotaping is a method of applying elastic,cotton tapes with adhesive onto the body. By applying the tape the therapist can relieve pain by relaxing the muscle, strengthen its work, correct the position of the joint and facilitate absorbtion of oedema and hematomas.
Dryneedling involves the use of a solid needle, which is inserted into myofascial trigger points, which are hyperirritable spots in skeletal muscle, fascia density or in a painful muscle. The thing that distinguishes dryneedling from acupuncture is the way of inserting the needle. Acupuncture, which has its origins in Chinese medicine, is based on superficial insertion of the needle into points of energetic pathways (meridians), whereas dryneedling aims directly in the muscle or connective tissue. Dry needle therapy is widely used in the rehabilitation of fatigue lesions, sports rehabilitation, as well as work with various types of scars.
Mechanical diagnosis and therapy with the McKenzie method is a method of physiotherapy of the spinal pains and peripheral joints. The treatment is based on a detailed interview and examination of the patient, which diagnose the condition. McKenzie identified three main types of disorders, for which he developed a model of conduct:
- dysfunction syndrome
- posture syndrome
- dereangement syndrome
In individual treatment programs, in addition to the techniques performed by the therapist, a lot of stress is placed on the patient's movement, self-therapy techniques for home use. Teaching the patient the principles of prophylaxis aims at changing the current habits that trigger the discomfort.
Is a set of special exercises that build mobility and stability of individual parts of the body in order to improve or restore the proper musculoskeletal function. One of the concepts underpinning the functional training concepts is FMS™ (Functional Movement Screen). It involves the assessment of the quality of the movement by a test consisting of 7 exercises. The process of corrective training based on the FMS™ assessment includes three basic steps:
- mobility re-education (in case it is disturbed),
- re-education of movement patterns (programming of movement patterns), e.g. using reactive neuromuscular training,
- training of global movement patterns according to the requirements of the client / sportsman
Advantages of FMS assessment and corrective exercises based on the FMS concept:
- improvement in the patient's functional status and athletic performance (athletes),
- reduction of the risk of injury /fatigue, identification of weak links in the kinematic chain, asymmetry with easy gradation of the degree of dysfunction to track the patient’s/ sportsman’s progress,
- simple and logical system of corrective exercises, individualisation of corrective exercises adapted to the patient’s needs,
- diversification of training planning into improving mobility and shaping motor skills for individual needs,
- identification of causes and factors of injuries and training trends in groups of active people, which are connected with the prophylaxis of non-contact injuries and traumas caused by overexertion.