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tel. +48 56 30 67 500

tel. +48 600 200 090, +48 600 100 936

For you and your family

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tel. +48 56 30 67 500

tel. +48 600 200 090, +48 600 100 936

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we diagnose injuries, we heal fractures and limb sprain, we fight pain

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we support building your form, we improve your performance, we treat injuries

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we help you to regain mobility, we conduct appropriate rehabilitation

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we give you the chance of leading active lifestyle regardless of age

Jopa Clinic is a medical facility in Toruń, whose aim is to enable recovery to people with reduced mobility resulting from sport injuries, dysfunctions, chronic conditions as well as to the elderly suffering from conditions typical of age, who wish to stay fit and agile in their golden years.

JOPA Clinic offers specialist medical services predominantly in the area of orthopaedics, nevertheless we also cater for the needs of patients who seek advice and help from doctors and specialists in surgery, vascular surgery, neurosurgery, urology, neurology, rheumatology, physiotherapy and ultrasound radiology.

Our Clinic provides comprehensive care to patients starting with diagnostics, through consultation, treatment and rehabilitation to recovery. Our Clinic uses specialist equipment: shockwaves, high energy laser, pneumatic massage, local cryotherapy, continuous passive motion, magnetic field, ultrasound, etc.

Our clients are sports people at all career stages and active people performing different sports. We diagnose and treat children with postural problems, injuries and dysfunctions. We also help to solve health problems of busy professionals and the retired.

Recovery after an injury, illness, surgery or limb sprain is possible only by combining treatment with effective rehabilitation. Our clinic provides best specialists and state-of-the art equipment.

Jopa Clinic offers 8 fully equipped modern rehabilitation and physiotherapy rooms with:

  • ESWT – Shockwave
  • HILT – High Energy Laser
  • BOA – Pneumatic Massage
  • Cryotherapy
  • CPM – continuous passive motion
  • Ultrasound
  • Lasertherapy
  • Electrotherapy
  • Magnetic field

Our physiotherapists are young, talented and experienced specialists, who continually improve their skills at specialist courses, trainings, workshops and seminars organised by renowned educational centers.



Wady postawy, skoliozy, wady klatki piersiowej oraz choroba Scheuermanna wymagają indywi- dualnie dobranej terapii. Jedną z wykorzystywanych metod dedykowaną dorosłym i dzieciom od 4 r.ż. jest Funkcjonalna Indywidualna Terapia Skolioz - FITS.



Trening mentalny jest procesem wspierającym zawodnika w osiągnięciu maksymalnej efektywności podczas zawodów i treningów oraz w dążeniu do harmonii psychicznej. Koncen- tracja, panowanie nad emocjami, radzenie sobie ze stresem, wyznaczanie celów, relaksacja.



W JOPA Clinic zajmujemy się rehabilitacją wcześniaków, noworodków oraz dzieci od wieku niemowlęcego do wczesno- szkolnego. Nasz doświadczony fizjoterapeuta profesjonalnie oceni rozwój motoryczny dziecka...



Jest wykorzystywana przez specjalistów do oceny niepra- widłowości ruchu. Usprawnienie oceny zaburzeń funkcji ruchowych pozwala wdrożyć odpowiednią terapię, stworzyć plan treningowy i śledzić postępy Pacjenta.

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